TGSC Real World Support Utherverse Events TG Utherverse

The Transgender Social Center a place for trans people and friends in the Utherverse.

The Transgender Social Center

The Transgender Social Center is a virtual charity organisation in the Utherverse supporting TG and TV members. The TGSC venue is open 24 hours providing a non-sexualised space to relax. We have two dance floors, a clothes shop, a café area and our Comfy Corner for sitting and chatting. In the venue you will not find porn movies or sex beds. This is a safe place for our community and friends to meet without feeling pressured for sex. Come and share your story with others, help each other and make loads of great new friends.

The TGSC works to promote virtual businesses and venues owned by TG and TV members. We also promote designers who produce their clothes in TGF and TGM versions. This is part of our Clothes That Fit campaign. On this website and in the TGSC venue you will find links and posters for designers, businesses, clubs and events which are TG owned or TG friendly. There are also links to real world organisations to offer support and networking for the transgender community.

The TGSC is funded through donations. These funds are used to help members, pay fees incured promoting events or producing promotional cloting and providing prizes at events in the TSGC and the Naked Wench. Help for users can include grants to pay rents on business properties during hard times or helping with a VIP payment1. We have friends who are Utherverse Guides, Tech Volunteers and staff members, this network means we can find you the best assistance you need in the Utherverse.

The TGSC is always growing, come and be a part of it. You can help too by suggesting real world groups you think sould be included or introducing us to designers, businesses and clubs. It could be your business, fashion house or club. If approved all adverting with the TGSC is free2.

Meet The TGSC Team


The founder of the Transgender Social Centre. Jane has been in the Utherverse for almost 7 years and has always been keen to help other members. Jane helped her dear friend Emu at the Trans_Port by working behind the scenes and hosting parties. When Trans_Port closed Jane took a short break. When she came back she built the TGSC to continue the promotion of TG clubs and business in the Utherverse. Jane is always available for a private chat or to just listen.


Jane's wife Tali has been in the Utherverse 12 years and has seen many changes. Tali's long experience means she can empathise with others having a bad time in world or suggest which DJ will give your party the perfect feel. Tali is happy to share her experiences, both good and bad. She wants you to know you are not alone.


Willa is the "New Girl" having been in world less than a year. She met Jane and Tali clubbing and a friendship grew up. It was not long before Willa became a permanent member of the team adding that little extra fun and crazy to our already mad world! Willa is a good listening ear and always ready with a hug. Willa is currently on a hiatus from the virtual world but we look forward to her return.


You may not see The_Wench active in world much.
She is your contact for advertising with the TGSC.
Drop her a message here.

Read Jane Ashby's presentation from Virtual Con 2021
Read Jane Ashby's presentation from Virtual Con 2022
Read Jane Ashby's presentation from Virtual Con 2023
Read Jane Ashby's presentation from Virtual Con 2024

1 - VIP payment has limit availability. Such payments are generally only for new members or business owners during hard times and may not be the full cost but a top up to your account. Members are limited to one such payment per six month period. The TGSC reserves the right to refuse, withdraw or modify this service at any time.
2 - We do ask that fashion designers and layout builders offer small prizes to our regular monthly events. From time to time we hold larger events and ask that advertisers sponsor these too.

Ask Your Designer for Clothes That Fit!

Many designers do not make TG clothing meaning we have to change sex, get dressed and change sex again.
It costs no extra rays to make clothes that fit us, only a few moments of time.

To find designers supporting the TG community and to shop with them see our TG Utherverse page.

We found 60570 records. Searched for:TransFemale, Clothing
We found 377978 records. Searched for:Female, Clothing
11:15 GMT (UCT) 28th November 2020

We found 1668 records. Searched for:TransMale, Clothing
We found 133775 records. Searched for:Male, Clothing
11:15 GMT (UCT) 28th November 2020

But Can't You Pixel Tuck? TG can wear non-TG oufits outfits.

A simple answer is Yes. A more realistic answer is No.

It is true that a TG Avatar can wear outfits for cis-female Avatars. It is not a quick process and can be annoying when you forget that those fabulous shoes you want to wear are not TG. This is the process we have to use to wear cis-female clothing items:

Now let's try that with a fabulous pair of shoes that the designer remembered to make for TG avatars:

One process instead of three. This may not seem a big issue. When you have to do this everytime you want to change your clothes it soon becomes a big issue. It is made worse when you mix TG and non-TG clothing items because you have have to remember to apply all of one gender's items before changing. This is why you often see TG members taking a long time to change clothes.

But Can't You Just Save Your Outfit In A Slot?

A simple answer is Yes. A more realistic answer is No.

If it is a complete outfit then we can go through the process described above and save the outfit with Transgender ticked. But what if it's a bra, a pair of shoes or a T-shirt you want to wear with other combinations, are you really going to save every combination?

Every save slot costs ®2.00. This means that groovy free top you saw will really cost you ®2.00 for every combination you want to make with it, or that ®8.00 swimsuit will really cost ®10.00 if you want to be able to put it on quickly.

But Won't The Designers Have To Pay To Upload More Textures?

A simple and only answer is No.

If a designer makes a T-shirt texture for a Female avatar that same T-shirt texture can be used for a Transgender Female avatar at no cost to the designer. This is true for all textures on all layers and for both Transgender Female and Transgender Male clothing items or complete outfits. It also does not cost for listing in the Clothing System Catalogue. The only cost is a few more minutes of time.

In the physical world it can be hard for us to find the clothes we like that fit properly without us modifying them or just being uncomfortable. Do we really want to have this in our virtual lives too?

Our Answer is "Ask Your Designer for Clothes That Fit!"

Advertise Here

Send a message to The_Wench if you would like to advertise your TG owned club, fashion house or business in the Transgender Social Center. Advertising here is FREE but we ask that you are either TG or a TG friendly venue. The_Wench really wants to hear from venues and businesses actively supporting the Utherverse TG community.

Download My TGSC

Download the "My TGSC" Patcher for Utherverse, RLC and Virtual Vancouver to be closer to your community. When you visit RLC/Utherverse using My TGSC you will land in the TGSC's Transgender Transporter and be one door from the TGSC. The loading screens will sometimes include announcements of events, parties or important news so you are always upto date with what is happening.

The Transgender Transporter has doors to Utherverse and TGSC venues including VWW of the Day, Zaby Lobby, TGSC, Naked Wench Revived and the Fetish Court. It is the perfect place to start your time in the Utherverse or to meet with friend before heading out to a party. The Transporter even has a dance floor and music! It's your TGSC for your community.

Transgender Social Center is not part of Utherverse, Red Light Central or Virtual Vancouver.
We will never ask for your log in detalls or ask for real world payments to use our services.